Map algebra with callbacks in PostGIS 2.1
I’ve been playing with the much-enhanced raster support in PostGIS 2.1 in the last few days. Amongst other things I’ve been producing maps with ST_MapAlgebra
, which has changed a little since 2.0.
The example callback function in the documentation is somewhat unhelpfully bare-bones: it always returns 0, touching none of its arguments. So here’s an equally useless — but rather more informative — example of a callback function for the simple one-raster, one-band, one-pixel-at-a-time case:
create or replace function callback_fn(pixel float[], pos integer[], variadic userargs text[]) returns float language plpgsql immutable -- careful: this function is immutable, yours may not be as $$ declare pixval float; inputx integer; inputy integer; begin pixval := pixel[1][1][1]; -- pixel indices: [raster #][xdistance][ydistance] inputx := pos[1][1]; -- pos indices: [raster #][x = 1, y = 2] inputy := pos[1][2]; -- (raster #0 is the output raster) return pixval + inputx + inputy; end; $$; -- example call: select st_mapalgebra(rast, 1, 'callback_fn(float[], integer[], text[])'::regprocedure) from raster_table;
And here’s something that caught me out: unless you’re passing some userargs
, don’t declare your callback function to be strict
. If you do, your callback function will never be called because its userargs
argument is always null
Ilia Choly